To all AFNCI donors: Thank you and have a blessed Eid El Fetr! You have been a great support to cancer patients throughout Ramadan

The management board of AFNCI are expressing their sincere gratitude to our donors and charity partners for their support to children and adult cancer patients. Throughout the holy month of Ramadan, you rushed to donate at our booths in Hyper, Carrefour and Spinies supermarkets and their branches in Cairo. Our donors’ support came also through the website from donors inside and outside Egypt and through our donation channels. Your support is contributing to offering free quality treatment and improving care provided to children and adult cancer patients in the National Cancer Institute, NCI, and Hospital 57357, as you sponsored  part of the cost of medications to NCI’s patients, and contributed to the cost of treatment and equipment for Hospital 57357 as well as supporting Hospital 57357’s expansion that will enable it to accept more patients .

Our wishes for a happy blessed Fetr feast to all our supporters.